Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Organisation

e-Academy: Fun – a serious factor for online seminars

Our seminars should be journeys of discovery, where participants enjoy participating in the working and thinking process, where they find knowledge and share theirs, try out new things and put old ones to the test. We want to make liberal values tangible, not just theoretical. Can all this be done online too? Even for international programmes that last as long as one or even two weeks? Yes, it can be done!
point for me when in comes to transformation of my organisation

e-Academy: Fun – a serious factor for online seminars

Our seminars should be journeys of discovery, where participants enjoy participating in the working and thinking process, where they find knowledge and share theirs, try out new things and put old ones to the test. We want to make liberal values tangible, not just theoretical. Can all this be done online too? Even for international programmes that last as long as one or even two weeks? Yes, it can be done!
point for me when in comes to transformation of my organisation

LGBTIQ+-: EuroPride 2022 – die komplizierte Geburt der ersten EuroPride in Südosteuropa

Belgrad war am Wochenende Gastgeber der EuroPride, einer internationalen Veranstaltung, die sich den Rechten der LGBTIQ+-Gemeinschaft widmet. Trotz großem Widerstand der Ultrarechten, aber auch der serbisch-orthodoxen Kirche und Teile der Regierung, fand am Samstag die Abschlusskundgebung im Zentrum der serbischen Hauptstadt statt.
an dieser Aktionswoche: gemeinsam mit der LGBTIQ+-Organisation

Africa Freedom Prize: Zimbabwean Author Tsitsi Dangarembga Honoured with Africa Freedom Prize

Zimbabwean author Tsitsi Dangarembga has been awarded the prestigious Africa Freedom Prize by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. The award ceremony took place on 5 October 2023 at the iconic and packed Market Theatre in Johannesburg, South Africa, where Dangarembga was celebrated for her outstanding contributions to literature and social justice.
Foundation for Freedom, a prominent international organisation

FNF Pakistan Partner Stories: AI and Entrepreneurship

„As a former participant in the 2014 and 2015 Leadership Boot Camps and now a dedicated trainer for this year’s program, it’s been a journey of constant growth and commitment for me. This year’s focus on AI-preneurship reflects our unwavering dedication to fostering leaders while integrating sustainability into our initiatives.“ Read what Khoso Saifullah has to say about the hybrid Leadership Boot Camp by our partner organization Individulland.
Hybrid Leadership Bootcamp FNF Pakistan’s partner organisation

FNF in Turkey: 30 Years of Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Turkey

It’s been 30 years since the Friedrich Naumann Foundation started its political educational work in Ankara. Since 2002 also from Istanbul we have been, together with partners from civil society, science, economy and journalism, promoting liberal values in society as well as the dialogue between Turkey and Germany as well as other countries in the region.
same questions: How to be even more successful as an organisation

1 Jahr Militärputsch: Myanmar: Der Widerstand ist ungebrochen

Vor einem Jahr stürzte Myanmars Armee Regierungschefin Aung San Suu Kyi. Ein Jahr nach dem Staatsstreich ist der Widerstand gegen das Militär weitgehend ungebrochen, ein Großteil der Bevölkerung will die neuen Machthaber nicht akzeptieren. Der Einfluss des Westens auf die Krise ist begrenzt. Er ist aber nicht ganz machtlos.
Laut der Organisation für politische Gefangene in Myanmar

Human Rights: Press Release: President of Central Tibetan Administration visits Brussels

The President of the Central Tibetan Administration and members of the parliament arrived in Brussels on the 13th of October and met with members of the Tibet Interest Group in the European Parliament as well as other representatives of liberal parties across Europe. The visit was organized and arranged by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation European Dialogue based in Brussels.
representatives from Renaissance Brussels, the youth liberal organisation