Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Kosovo

Study: Phasing out russian economic influence in Germany

The study by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) examines the continuing entanglement between the German and Russian despite Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. The Russian corporate presence in Germany is highly concentrated in around 40 larger firms, which specialize in oil refining, natural gas supply and distribution, metal and plastic products manufacturing, glass production, and transport. Russia’s war upended European peace and security and intensified global power competition. The study shows that the Kremlin’s long arm extends far beyond Germany’s misguided Ostpolitik.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Investment: The Global Gateway will strengthen ties between the two shores.

The Global Gateway was born in 2021 created by the European Commission and is one of the flagship projects that will allow the European Union (EU) to contribute to reversing the investment deficit in the world. It is expected that this investment approach will allow a more fluid dialogue with the Mediterranean region to achieve a better neighborhood.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Entrepreneurship : Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Barcelona Tech Hub

Technology, innovation and entrepreneurship gathered in Barcelona from February 27 to March 2 at the global tech event of the year, the Mobile World Congress (MWC), to showcase and share the latest projects, products and ideas developed over the past year. In the MWC exhibition halls, more than 100,000 visitors were able to explore everything from go-karts to virtual reality heli- drone experiences. It is in this context that FNF Madrid teamed up with FNF Jerusalem to host a delegation from Hasoub in Barcelona.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Energiekrise: Was ist eigentlich… die Gas-Krise

Die angespannte Situation auf den Gasmärkten ist längst auch bei den deutschen Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern zu spüren. Hierzulande vervielfachen sich die Heiz- und Wärmekosten, sowohl für die privaten Haushalte, als auch für die Wirtschaft, die Energiepreisentwicklung treibt die Inflationsraten wie zuletzt in den Achtzigern. Kurzum: Die Kaufkraft der Bürgerinnen und Bürger sinkt massiv. Eine kurzfristige Verbesserung auf dem Gasmarkt ist nicht in Sicht. Eine europäische Lösung muss her, analysiert Maximilian Luz Reinhardt, Referent für Wirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.