Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Kosovo

#RESTART21: Regular Economic Report – Q3

The third quarter was particularly challenging for the BiH economy. The third FNF report follows the economic developments in this quarter, but also various estimates of the rate of economic growth in 2021. These rates differ significantly according to the forecasting institution, i.e. the month in which the specific forecast is made. . The recovery is certain, however, still in the form of creeping economic growth of two to three percent per year.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

German Skilled Immigration Act: Einwanderungspolitik

The Skilled Immigration Act was supposed to be a turning point, but the reality looks bleak. From bureaucratic hurdles to insufficient infrastructure, Germany is at risk of losing the international talent competition. But there is hope: reforms and a change in mindset could turn the tide. Will Germany win the battle for the brightest minds?
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

2024 ECONOMY: The Mediterranean between uncertainty and hope

We are entering a period of uncertainty that will have economic, political, and social consequences, but also great challenges. The Mediterranean has been an active and vibrant trading area for millennia. Its location in the world is strategic and it must have the ambition to become a key player on the international stage.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Mediterranean Dialogue: The Canary Islands as a bridge of commercial connection between Europe and Africa

The Canary Islands is the only autonomous community that has a notable advantage over others, and that is that, due to its geographical position and uniqueness, it is considered by the European Union as an outermost region. This designation brings with it the opportunity to take advantage of all the benefits offered so that Spanish and even European companies can do business with Africa through the archipelago.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

MENA: Migration and More: EURO-MENA-SHOW Kick-off for Digital Mediterranean Cooperation in Pandemic Times

The FNF Regional Office for the MENA Region, the FNF Mediterranean Dialogue Project in Madrid and its partner Casa Árabe, the official Spanish institute for relations with the Arab world, organised the EURO-MENA SHOW on 15 July. In addition to solutions to current challenges such as migration, security and tourism, the event focused on connecting elements that underline the common history as well as the inextricably linked present of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Trade policy: Ukrainische Logistiker

The war in Ukraine has been raging for over two years and its effects are far-reaching. In addition to direct suffering, the focus is also on indirect consequences, such as the search for new trade routes and overcoming logistical challenges. Border blockades and political tensions are exacerbating the situation, but require a coordinated European response to ensure stability and competitiveness in the region.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Energiekrise: Was ist eigentlich… die Gas-Krise

Die angespannte Situation auf den Gasmärkten ist längst auch bei den deutschen Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern zu spüren. Hierzulande vervielfachen sich die Heiz- und Wärmekosten, sowohl für die privaten Haushalte, als auch für die Wirtschaft, die Energiepreisentwicklung treibt die Inflationsraten wie zuletzt in den Achtzigern. Kurzum: Die Kaufkraft der Bürgerinnen und Bürger sinkt massiv. Eine kurzfristige Verbesserung auf dem Gasmarkt ist nicht in Sicht. Eine europäische Lösung muss her, analysiert Maximilian Luz Reinhardt, Referent für Wirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.