Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Kosovo

Liberal network: United for freedom in Southern Europe

FNF Madrid and various partner organizations of the foundation have launched in a festive inauguration ceremony the new network for ideas and impact in Southern Europe. The “Free³ Network” unites liberal think tanks from Spain, Italy and Portugal for the common goal of promoting freer societies and economic growth through intensified cooperation. The launch event in Madrid “underlines the importance of Spain and the country’s capital as an engine of growth, employment and social progress in Southern Europe,“ said David Henneberger, FNFs country director in Spain.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Publication: A new model for the globalization of the world of employment

Two opposing trends characterize the global world of employment. In the global South, the supply of labor is increasing, while the global North is confronted with a decline in the working population and a shortage of qualified workers. Both developments have demographic causes. Many countries in the global South continue to have high birth rates.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Job: Vacancy: Finance & HR Administrator (f/m/d) in Central Europe and Baltic States

The position of Finance & HR Administrator in Central Europe and Baltic States in the Prague office is available from January 1, 2024 on a full-time basis with 40 hours per week, limited until December 31, 2025. Click here for more information.
Summit in Seoul 05.06.2024 More on topic Kosovo

Mediterranean Dialogue: What worries young people nowadays?

The Med Fest event will take place next Thursday the 24th November, which will bring together highly important topics for the European Mediterranean region concerning the crystal generation: the impact of the triple crisis, diversity, fake news and the increase of populism, migration and entrepreneurship.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Bosnien und Herzegowina: EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen: Wir gehören zu Europa!

Am 21. März beschloss der Europäische Rat, Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Bosnien und Herzegowina (BiH) aufzunehmen. Diese Entscheidung wurde getroffen, nachdem die bosnischen und herzegowinischen Behörden die entsprechenden Anforderungen der Europäischen Kommission erfüllt hatten, und ebnete den Weg für eine neue Qualität der Beziehungen zwischen BiH und der Europäischen Union (EU).
anderen Länder des Westbalkans ein – mit Ausnahme von Kosovo

Event: (15.2.2023) The Future of the European Economy

The Future of the European Economy is a discussion panel and networking event organized by FNF Europe and the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce. It took place on the 15th of February in Helsinki, Finland, where industry leaders and experts discussed the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Europe’s economy. While the future of the European economy is complex and uncertain, there are also opportunities for growth and success. With the right policies and investments, Europe can overcome its challenges and build a strong and sustainable economy for the future.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

COP28: COP28

As we approach the much-anticipated COP28 in Dubai, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation is thrilled to share its active participation in this year’s conference. Through our engagement in the Union for the Mediterranean’s ‚Mediterranean Coalition,‘ our Mediterranean Dialogue project from the Madrid office will lead and showcase the Foundation’s enduring commitment to human rights, sustainability, and innovative energy solutions.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Study: Phasing out russian economic influence in Germany

The study by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) examines the continuing entanglement between the German and Russian despite Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. The Russian corporate presence in Germany is highly concentrated in around 40 larger firms, which specialize in oil refining, natural gas supply and distribution, metal and plastic products manufacturing, glass production, and transport. Russia’s war upended European peace and security and intensified global power competition. The study shows that the Kremlin’s long arm extends far beyond Germany’s misguided Ostpolitik.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.