Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Delhi

River Conference: Rivers As Lifeline for South Asia

On 15 March 2023, a regional conference on Rivers as Lifeline for South Asia is going to be organized at the Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), in collaboration with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kathmandu, Samriddhi Foundation and the German Nepal-Friendship Association.
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi

Krieg in Europa: Der Krieg in der Ukraine und die Ernährungs(un)sicherheit in Afrika

Ende November organisierten IPDAL, die führende portugiesische Denkfabrik für Außenpolitik, FNF Madrid und die Universidade Europeia die dritte Afrika XXI-Konferenz in Lissabon. Die Beiträge einschlägiger internationaler Organisationen, der portugiesischen Regierung, von Stiftungen, Think Tanks und führenden Vertretern des Privatsektors ermöglichten eine eingehende Debatte über die wichtigsten Probleme, mit denen der Kontinent derzeit konfrontiert ist, insbesondere im Bereich der Ernährungsunsicherheit infolge der Invasion in der Ukraine.
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO Neu-Delhi

Human Rights: FNF’s Collaboration in LGU Caraga: Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice

FNF Philippines continues its partnership with the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in Caraga to advance human rights promotion and safeguarding. Their primary initiative, launched last year, focuses on integrating human rights, the rule of law, and access to justice by establishing and enhancing Human Rights Action Centers (HRACs) across the Caraga region. These HRACs within LGUs aim to empower marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender concerns and ensuring equitable access to justice. Strengthening LGUs enables the project to further its goals of promoting and protecting human rights, gender equality, and democracy.
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi

Human Rights: FNF’s Collaboration in LGU Caraga: Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice

FNF Philippines continues its partnership with the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in Caraga to advance human rights promotion and safeguarding. Their primary initiative, launched last year, focuses on integrating human rights, the rule of law, and access to justice by establishing and enhancing Human Rights Action Centers (HRACs) across the Caraga region. These HRACs within LGUs aim to empower marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender concerns and ensuring equitable access to justice. Strengthening LGUs enables the project to further its goals of promoting and protecting human rights, gender equality, and democracy.
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi

Covid-19: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Serbian Economy in 2020

The Corona crisis has kept the world on tenterhooks for well over a year now. This poses great challenges for states and societies. This paper, „The Impact of COVID-19 on the Serbian Economy in 2020“, by the well-known economist Mihailo Gajić, examines and describes the effects in Serbia and offers recommendations from a liberal perspective.
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi

Human Rights: FNF’s Collaboration in LGU Caraga: Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice

FNF Philippines continues its partnership with the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in Caraga to advance human rights promotion and safeguarding. Their primary initiative, launched last year, focuses on integrating human rights, the rule of law, and access to justice by establishing and enhancing Human Rights Action Centers (HRACs) across the Caraga region. These HRACs within LGUs aim to empower marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender concerns and ensuring equitable access to justice. Strengthening LGUs enables the project to further its goals of promoting and protecting human rights, gender equality, and democracy.
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi

Westbalkan: Kad iskusni novinar nesebično podeli svoje znanje

Da li biste želeli da radite u poznatoj nemačkoj novinskoj agenciji DPA? Želite li da znate šta urednik očekuje od novinara u toj kompaniji? Udžbenik „Kvalitetno novinarstvo u Jugoistočnoj Evropi“, dugogodišnjeg direktora kancelarije DPA u Beogradu Tomasa Braja (Thomas Brey) na neki način studentima novinarstva i iskusnijim novinarima otvara vrata ove agencije.
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi

We are Hiring: Call for applications on the position of project coordinator in Tbilisi

As a team member, you will support the project team in project planning and administration so that programs and projects can be processed quickly and in accordance with the foundation’s formal and content-related requirements. An essential part of your job is the coordination of projects with a focus on liberalism related issues. Please send the cover letter and your curriculum vitae to Ms. Tamar Karmazanashvili by Tuesday, April 19th, 2022,
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi