Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Balkan

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Event: Advocating Civic and Voter Education: GMM’s Leadership Training for Community Leaders Invites School Wardens from the State of Johor

Akademi Gagasan Minda Merdeka (GMM) has successfully organized a Leadership Training for Community Leaders at Desa Selatan Resort on the 24th and 25th last April. This workshop heralded one of GMM and FNF’s partnership commitments in advocating civic and voter education all around Malaysia, in collaboration with Johor State Education Department.
North Macedonia EN DE Belgrade Western Balkans

Medienfreiheit: Qualitätsjournalismus für Südosteuropa

Journalismus ist ein Handwerk, das gewissenhaft erlernt und ausgeübt werden muss! Das ist die zentrale Botschaft von Dr. Thomas Brey, langjähriger ehemaliger Südosteuropa-Korrespondent der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, die in seinem aktuellen Buch „Qualitätsjournalismus für Südosteuropa“ auf jeder Seite zum Ausdruck kommt.
Journalisten Feature 09.12.2020 1.0 Minuten Western Balkans

We are Hiring: Call for applications on the position of project coordinator in Tbilisi

As a team member, you will support the project team in project planning and administration so that programs and projects can be processed quickly and in accordance with the foundation’s formal and content-related requirements. An essential part of your job is the coordination of projects with a focus on liberalism related issues. Please send the cover letter and your curriculum vitae to Ms. Tamar Karmazanashvili by Tuesday, April 19th, 2022,
North Macedonia EN DE Belgrade Western Balkans