Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: lines

Meintest du line?

Antennarius striatus – Discover Fishes

Striated Frogfish Antennarius striatus This strange looking fish is a master ant camouflage. Within a few weeks it can completely change its color to match its surroundings. The frogfish’s illicium rod (front most dorsal fin spine) is topped with worm-like lure appendages that can regenerate
There are prominent lines radiating from the eyes.

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Centropristis striata – Discover Fishes

Black Seabass Centropristis striata Not only do these fish have four color phases before they become a gray-brown to black, they also start as females and then change to males later in their lives. These stout, almond-shaped fish have pointed snouts, large eyes, and rounded fins, and they ar
species name striata can be translated from Latin as “lines

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2016 Staff and Student Publications – McGuire Center

Ahmed, M.Z., Breinholt, J.W., Kawahara, A.Y. 2016. Evidence for horizontal transmission of Wolbachia with partial evidence for lateral gene transfer to lepidopteran hosts. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:118. Brandon, C.J and A. Sourakov. 2016. Evaluation of mechanical defense provided by pericarps o
Fine lines: Vladimir Nabokov’s Scientific Art.

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Escape artists: Birds learn to avoid flashy, hard-to-catch butterflies and their lookalikes – Research News

The showy colors of some butterflies could advertise their speed and nimbleness, much like a coat of bright yellow paint on a sports car. A new study shows birds can learn to recognize these visual cues, avoiding not only butterflies they’ve failed to nab in the past but similar-looking species as w
for example, sport bright wing patterns of black lines

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Hippocampus erectus – Discover Fishes

Lined Seahorse Hippocampus erectus These specialized fish are poor swimmers and rely on their coloring and texture to camouflage themselves among coral, seagrass, or mangroves where they ambush much smaller prey by sucking them into their toothless snouts. They choose a mate for a season or
body often has a characteristic pattern of white lines

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Plants’ drought alert system has unlikely evolutionary origin: underwater algae – Research News

Plants’ water-to-land leap marks one of the most important milestones in the evolution of life on Earth. But how plants managed this transition when faced with unfamiliar challenges such as drought and bright light has been unclear. Now, a new study shows that the built-in alert system that enabl
“I made sure I had the lines straight and said, ‘Whoa

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What is it good for? Absolutely one thing. Luna moths use their tails solely for bat evasion – Research News

In a pair of complementary studies, researchers take a close look at Luna moth (Actias luna) tails through the eyes of birds and female moths to test their role in predation and sexual selection. Scientists have known for about a decade that Luna moths — and other related silkmoths — use their long,
often look for the characteristic red, horizontal lines

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Enhydritherium terraenovae – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Quick Facts Common Name: none Enhydritherium terraenovae is a large, extinct otter capable of living in both freshwater and coastal marine habitats. A nearly complete skeleton is on permanent public display at the Florida Museum of Natural History. It was collected at the Moss Acres Racetrack
strictly limited to this food type following several lines

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Celebrating pollinators – Research News

The fourth week of June is National Pollinator Week. What exactly is a pollinator? Why are pollinators important? Why should we celebrate them? Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower, known as an anther, to the female part, or stigma. We don’t give this process much
such as showy petals, certain color combinations or lines

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