Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Tadschikistan

Development of Civic Education in Tajikistan: Problems and Prospects – english information

This research report was published by the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in 2007. It summarizes the current situation of civic education in Tajikistan. The background of this research is a new program for civic education aiming at familiarization of the population with civic rights and duties. The report discribes the development of civic education since the time of the Soviet Union until the present, differenciating between public institutions, state institutions and non-state organisations. The second chapter contains thematical foci on: Increasing Civic Participation, Gender Problems, Civic Education for Children and Youth, Ecological Education, Political parties and electoral systems, Poverty and Labor migration issues, Local Self-Governance Institutions

University of Central Asia – english information

UCA was founded in 2000 by the governments of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, and the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Shia Ismaili muslim community. UCA is a private, self-governing institution with the aim to offer an internationally recognized standard of higher education in Central Asia adopted to the needs of the transitioning economies and moutain communities of the region. Part of the curriculum are therefore vocational and further education that do not leed to university degrees.

At a glance: Tajikistan – english information

„At a glance: Tajikistan“ provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – as the leading advocate for children’s rights – an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

Hochschulwesen und Wissenschaft in Uzbekistan und Tadshikistan – english information

This is the summarized version of a report by Ralph Kuehn to the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, Stuttgart (autumn 1997). The expert investigates possibilities of cooperation with German partners. His message reads: Higher education and science in Uzbekistan und Tadshikistan have not changed since the declaration of independence in 199, particularly in view of organization and administration. They still reflect to a great extent the heritage of Soviet traditions in science. Both countries are facing the challenge to transform their education systems according to social requirements regarding the new goals of political, economic and cultural developments.

Education Development in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan: Challenges and Ways forward – english information

This report was written in 2002 by the Open Society Institute. First it presents an overview over the social context in the three postsoviet countries. Then it explains specialities and problems of the education system. The chapters focus on the following topics: Access and equity in education, Education financing, Reform capacity, management and governance, Curriculum, Student Assessment, Teachers and teacher training, Textbooks, Infrastructure.

Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008. Tadjikistan Country Case Study – english information

The report from 2007 provides mapping of progress towards the achievement of the EFA (Education for all) goals. It identifies the greatest challenges and examines the efforts of government, international agencies, donors, and civil society with regards to the achievement of the six goals. The text provides basic data about education in Tadjikistan, describes the government measures and lists international donors that support education programmes in Tadjikistan.