Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Tadschikistan

Education Activities in Tadjikistan – english information

The Aga Khan is the head of the muslim Ismailites and considered to be a direct descendant of the prophet Muhamed. Being on of the richest people in the world he funds a lot of development projects in Central Asia. The centre of these activities ist the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). Its Homepage informs about activities in the field of education in Tadjikistan. Apart from that there are links to the other institutions funded by the Aga Khan. For more information about the Aga Khan, a German article in the weekly paper „Zeit“ can be recommended:

Country Study Tajikistan (incl. Education) – english information

This comprehensive country study for Tajikistan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on „education“ (historical development; education in the eighties and nineties; vocational education; higher education and research); which can be found by scrolling down or applying a search function.

Students with special needs and those with disabilities – english information

This OECD publication published in 2009 reviews the current state of education policies for children with special education needs and those with disabilities in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan. It offers an overview of the respective country backgrounds, education systems and relevant legislation, and takes a critical look at access to education for what is considered to be the most vulnerable group of children in the countries reviewed. Particular attention is paid to inclusive education policies, to the processes of identification and assessment, to overall policy co-ordination for the provision of education services, to integration in mainstream education, as well as to good practices and the role of NGOs and the donor community.

Higher Technical Education in Tajikistan: Experience and Development Trends – english information

In this full text report to UNESCO the author provides an overview on the current development of higher technical education in Tajikistan and the efforts to improve the quality of education in all areas and at all levels of education. He refers to the socioeconomic framework conditions and focal points of higher educational policy in the country.