Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Serbien

Education system of Yugoslavia – english information

This brief country profile of Yugoslavia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and exchanges.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia – english information

The Ministry of Education and Sports (2001) forms a combination of the structures of three former Ministries (Education, Higher Education and Sports). On the website the new structure can be viewed. Besides the site offers a comprehensive description of aims and measures with regard to the educational reform and information on the document „Quality education for all – Strategy and Action Plan“.

A brief tour through the education system reform in the Republic of Serbia – english information

This comprehensive full text of about 60 pages in pdf-format provides detailed information on the ongoing educational reform process, led by the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, covering the period from January 2001 to June 2003 and beyond. In the document, compiled by Gordana Miljevic, for all levels and areas of the education system guidelines for future developments, based on a critical analysis, are formulated.