Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Rumänien

Education System of Romania – english information

This brief country profile of Romania is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the higher education isntitutions of the country. The information ist sturctured as follows: structure of the education system ( types of schools and leaving certificates, types of higher education institutions); higher education laws; administrative structure of higher education; study cycles, non-formal studies; academic grades, admission to higher education for foreign students; certificates; recognition of foreign credentials; financing and scholarships, international cooperation.

Improving Education Quality: Romania – english information

In the framework of the „Improving Education Quality Project“, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) renders assistance for socalled host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. In this context this website was developed to provide basic information on educational developments in Romania and some useful links.

Ce este Eco-Scoala? – english information

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Romania. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an award in case of success.

European Education Fair 2011 – english information

EUROPEAN EDUCATION FAIR is an initiative of EDvisory Education Network and IEC – International Education Center Romania. The Fair has three major aims: 1. to provide prestigious European universities, public high-schools and boarding schools with a forum at which they could present their high quality education programmes to the public in Eastern Europe; 2. to give potential applicants the opportunity to meet face-to-face with representatives of reputable European educational institutions and discuss their eligibility as well as the strengths and weaknesses of their applications; 3. to provide networking opportunities for the representatives of European universities and their East-European counterparts.

Romanian Institute for Adult Education (IREA) – english information

IREA was established as a Rumanian pedagogic research institute in the field of adult and continuing education, aiming to provide scientific and methodological support for all adult education institutions in Romania and to strengthen the link between the academics and practitioners in adult learning area. Its main purpose is to conduct research and to publish materials regarding the field of adult education, to offer counselling services, documentation, communication and information services. Accordingly, you can find a broad service sector on the institute’s website with weblinks, information about the course of studies, events, projects and publications of the IREA.

Children’s online risks and opportunities: Comparative findings from EU Kids Online and Net Children Go Mobile – Deutsche Informationen

Im Jahr 2010 wurden im Rahmen des EU-Programms zur Internet-Sicherheit Befragungen zur Internetnutzung von Kindern durchgeführt (Projekt „EU Kids Online““). Die angewandte Untersuchungsmethode wurde 2014 im Projekt „Net Kids Go Online“ aufgegriffen – diesmal mit dem Schwerpunkt der Nutzung mobiler Endgeräte, d.h. Tablet und Smartphone. Ende 2014 wurde ein gemeinsamer Bericht vorgelegt. Der Bericht konzentriert sich auf sieben Länder
Belgien; Daenemark; Irland; Italien; Portugal; Rumaenien