Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Montenegro

Ministry of Education and Sports Montenegro – english

The Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy, education system and details from the single educational sectors. Furthermore, the website adds laws, strategy papers and information about funding and scholarships, national and international projects and programmes, international cooperative student programmes and other ministerial activities and events. The English site is cut down on the basics.
Systems International Ministry of Education and Sports Montenegro

Country Reports on Education: Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro

Dieser Volltext von Tünde Kovac-Cerovic, Carolin Leutloff und Elmar Pichl ist ein nationaler Bericht zum Aspekt „Erziehung für Frieden, Toleranz und Demokratie in Jugoslawien“, eingebettet in eine Darstellung der Bildungsentwicklung vor und nach den Konflikten im früheren Jugoslawien. Dabei werden insbesondere soziale und politische Bedingungen charakterisiert. Es werden Beispiele für die das Engagement der Nichtregierungsorganisationen bei der Erziehung für Frieden und Demokratie gegeben.
Country Reports on Education: Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro

Country Reports on Education: Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro

This full text published by Tünde Kovac-Cerovic, Carolin Leutloff, Elmar Pichl is a national report on the issue „Education for peace, tolerance and democracy in Yugoslavia“, embedded in a presentation of educational developments prior to and after the conflicts in former Yugoslavia. In this analysis particularly social and political conditions are characterized. Examples are given for the efforts of NGO’s in the field of education for peace and democracy.
Country Reports on Education: Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro