Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Moldau

Education system of the Republic of Moldova – english information

This brief country profile of Moldova is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and exchanges.

Moldavian Association of Teachers of English (MATE) – english information

MATE (The Moldavian Association of Teachers of English) was founded by a group of teachers in the fall of 1990. It is a professional, non-political organization, the aim of which is the improvement in standards of teaching English as a foreign language. MATE is based in Iasi, but individual membership is open to all teachers of English in the counties of Moldavia. MATE seeks · to attract as many teachers in Moldavia as possible in order to create a powerful nucleus of specialists interested in teacher training; · to have an English teachers‘ club where teachers belonging to different generations may exchange ideas and where English and American specialists may be invited for round table and workshop activities · to publish the newsletter Romance including both issues of methodology and feedback from the events organized by the association · to motivate students of all ages to learn English and to stimulate their interest in the Anglo-American culture and civilization · to organize students‘ performances in English and to publish a students‘ magazine in order to encourage their creativity and their freedom of expression · to organize clubs, summer courses and camps, either local or national, with the support of native speakers

At a glance: Moldova – english information

„At a glance: Moldova“ provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – as the leading advocate for children’s rights – an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

Republic of Moldova: Regional Preparatory Workshop on Inclusive Education – english information

The UNESCO International Bureau of Integration in 2007 carried out a workshop on Inclusive Education in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. The full text summarizes the results for Moldova. The first part presents the Moldovian discourse on Inclusive Education. The second part presents Inclusive Policies and Strategies, wheras the third part describes corresponding examples and practices.

South East European Educational Cooperation Network: Education in Moldova – english information

This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Moldova. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following categories: Basic information and databases; National policy documents; Good practices; Legislation; Reviews and reports; Curricula; Expertise and theory.

Evaluation of linguistic education policy options for Bulgarians and Ukrainians – english information

CReDO (Centrul de Resurse pentru Drepturile Omului = Ressource Centre for Human Rights) is a democracy and human rights nongovernmental organization that provides lobby and consultancy in the implementation of democratic reform oriented policies. The report from 2008 analyses the current bilingual education curriculum in Moldova and especially its implications for native Ukrainian and Bulgarian speakers. The education analysis is preceded by a detailed description of the situation of the Ukrainian and Bulgarian minorities and especially their linguistic habits.

incrEAST – english information

Information Exchange in Science and Technology between the European Research Area and Eastern European / Central Asian Countries incrEAST is an information platform designed to: intensify international cooperation in science and technology, facilitate the networking of research organisations and institutions in the countries of Eastern Europe/ Central Asia (EECA) and the European Union, and promote scientific dialogue between EECA countries and EU Member States. incrEAST therefore provides detailed and up-to-date information about the political development of research and technology in the target countries, information about collaborative projects, programmes and partner organisations, as well as about potential Host Institutions in EECA countries for EU researchers and contact information for local experts.