Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Estland

Education in Estonia – english information

This website offers information the educational institutions in Estonia at various levels. There is a link to the Estonian Education Forum which provides a discussion platform on educational developments today and up to the year 2015 ( in Estonian language). Other links are leading to the Ministry of Education, its educational concept, and to the different areas and levels of the education system (in Eston. language). There are also links to science centres, research institutions and universities of the country.

Educational Research Centre of Tallinn Technical University – english information

This website provides information on the development of the research centre, its statute and its main tasks. In January 1999 the Chair of Educational Policy was set up in this educational institutions. It carries out both research and continuing education.Courses concerning education (educational policy, educational economics and management of educational system) are carried out via Bachelor, Master and Doctorial students.

Journal of Baltic Science Education – english information

This is the website of the Journal of Baltic Science Education (JBSE) which is published twice a year. Editorial policy is explained on the homepage. The journal publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Natural Science Education and related areas for all educational levels in the Baltic countries. Papers are published in English. JBSE promotes the establishment of contacts between researchers and practical educators both in the Baltic countries and countries around.

Education system of Estonia – english information

This brief country profile of Estonia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and exchanges.

Institute of International and Social Studies (IISS) – english information

The Institute has specialized on domestic and international projects in sociology, political science and international relations. It performs basic research and applied studies on relevant issues to the Estonian society and participates in training of the specialists of the field. It primary contains the departments Lifestyle’s Research, Etnosociology and Political Studies and Social Stratification.

Estonian Ministry of Education and Research – english information

The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy and science research. Besides, in the sectors education, research, language, youth, ministry and minister, the website presents details on political conditions and laws, funding processes, programmes, statistics, strategies and developments referring on the work of the ministry, as well as official publications and national curricula.

Estonian Educational and Research Network (EENet) – english information

Estonian Educational and Research Network (EENet) is a governmental nonprofit organization established in August 1993 by the Ministry of Education with the task of managing, coordinating and developing the computer network of science, education and culture. EENet’s main task is to offer Internet connection (permanent links and dial-ins) as well as all additional services (ftp, news, DNS etc). There are also several areas of growing importance e.g. security problems and networking policy.- This website leads to educational institutions and contains a comprehensive database which provides access to various levels and areas of education.

Archimedes – english information

The Archimedes Foundation is an independent body established by the Estonian government in 1997 with the objective to coordinate and implement different international and national programmes and projects in the field of training, education, research, technological development and innovation. It participates actively in building a knowledge-based Europe by helping to open up the education and training systems to Estonia through European cooperation programmes and by creating conditions for participation trough accreditation and evaluation of higher education. The Foundation contributes to the development of quality education and it helps make lifelong learning opportunities more widely available to Estonian people.