Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Argentinien

Higher education institutions and study in Argentina – english information

This is a list of links to the higher education institutions in Argentina. It is quite informative with regard to the extent and the density of the university net in this country. Checking the bulk of information on study conditions users should particularly deal with access regulations and the international recognition of certificates and qualifications.

Colectivo Argentino de Educadores y Educadoras / Docentes que hacen Investigación desde la Escuela – english information

[Please note: As the website is currently not available anymore we link to an older version from the Internet archive. 23.03.16; For more information on the Colectivo please also take a look at the publication „Investigación educativa y trabajo en red“] The „Community of Educators who do Research starting from School“ wants to promote educators as active actors participating in research rather than just being passive recipients of new concepts, theories and developments designed by researchers from outside. The Colectivo acts as an umbrella organisation for a lot of Argentinian networks on specific subjects or from specific institutions. The website furthermore provides information on publications by the Colectivo, as well as on conferences and other events organised by the Colectivo or one of its member networks. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

National University Evaluation and Accrediation Committee – english information

The National University Evaluation and Accrediation Committee (CONEAU), part of the Education Ministry, is responsible for questions of evaluation and accreditation within the higher education system of Argentina. The website provides full texts with descriptions and basic texts regarding external evaluation, accreditation of curricula and courses, postgraduate study and evaluation of university projects.

Anuarios Estadísticos – english information

No genuine education report could be found for Argentina. However, the Argentine government offers extensive education statistics every year. Since 1996 these have been available as Excel tables. In addition, from 2017 onwards, a PDF file is available for each year which offers a short introduction to the content and methodology in text form. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación (IICE) – Facultad de Filosofía y Letras – Universidad de Buenos Aires – english information

The homepage of the „Institut for Research in the Educational Sciences“ at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) provides information on the institut, its research and research projects, events, a newsletter, a project publication on „Relations between inequality, violence and student conditions as downloadable e-book, as well as on its a href= target=“_blank“>Zeitschrift „Revista del IICE“journal „Revista del IICE“. The journal’s fulltexts can only be found on the University of Buenos Aires‘ general journal website. The UBA University Press moreover lists all UBA publications published in the area of educational research under the tag „educación“. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation – english information

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT) was founded in december 2007. Its objective is to orient science, technology and innovation on the development of a new, productive model which provides for higher social inclusion and improves the competitivity of the Argentinian economy by generating knowledge as the centre of development.

Bet El Institute – english information

The Instituto Bet El A-743 offers an educational programme which is implemented as a special project of the Ministry of Education of Argentina. Pre-school education and five years of primary education are followed by grades 6 and 7 (Intermediate Level). At this level, teaching is particularly orientated towards the development of cognitive, affective and social competencies. The homepage contains links to the three school levels mentioned above.

Encuentro Channel – The Channel of the Ministry of Education – english information

The Encuentro Channel is the first TV channel of the ministry of education of Argentina. It functions within the framework of Sociedad del Estado. Encuentro was founded in May 2005 and has begun its transmission in March 2007. The channel directs itself to the whole public and constitutes at the same time an important tool for the education community. It is a federal channel which includes contents of all regions of Argentina as well as other productions in its program. Encuentro is a public communication service and doesn`t include commercials.

Sociedad Argentina de Historia de la Educación (SAHE) – english information

Facebook account of the Argentinian Society for the History of Education, SAHE. It provides information on events and current topics. SAHE publishes the journal „Historia de la Educación. Anuario“, containing the freely accessible fulltext of articles starting with Vol 13, No 1 (2012). SAHE also published a Newsletter whose last issue is of June 2014. The original website of SAHE ( is offline (since 09.02.16, last checked: 08.01.19).