Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Exil

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Siah Armajani: A Bridge Divides, A Bridge Transforms –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

March 19, 2021 – September 13, 2021 | Gallery 180 | Free Exhibition “A bridge divides what is ‘above’ the bridge, what is ‘below’ the bridge, what is ‘before’ the bridge and what is ‘after’ the bridge, but at the same time it brings totality and turns it into a neighborhood.”—Siah Armajani Siah Armajani (1939–2020, born Lahijan, Iran) left his native Iran to study at Macalester College in St. Paul in 1960, when he was 21, and called Minnesota home thereafter until his death last year
About Shop Installation of Siah Armajani’s An Exile

  • International
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“I Am Somali”: Three Visual Artists from the Twin Cities –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

August 19, 2017 – May 27, 2018 | Gallery 255 | Free Exhibition In Somalia, poetry has long been the preferred medium for artistic expression—in fact, the country is sometimes called “the land of bards.” This is in part because of Somalia’s long Islamic tradition, which discourages the visual depiction of people while embracing the power of the spoken word. Yet Somali artists have also turned to other media, including drawing, painting, photography, and video. This exhibition celebrates the work of three Somali visual artists from the Twin Cities: Hassan Nor (81), Aziz Osman (69), and Ifrah Mansour (30)
All three share stories of exile, memory, identity,

  • International
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