Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: star

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The Series

Adventure, danger, and a thrilling global mission await Cruz Coronado as he leaves home to attend the prestigious Explorer Academy, where his mother died in a mysterious lab accident. Here Cruz and his classmates from around the globe will train to become the next generation of great explorers. But for Cruz, there’s more at stake. In the midst of codebreaking and cool classes, new friends, and high-tech expeditions, Cruz must tackle the biggest question of all: Who is out to get him … and why?
Truth Behind The Truth Behind Read Race for the North Star

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Clown Anemonefish

This 4-inch-long (10-centimeter-long) fish shares an amazing partnership with another sea creature: the anemone (pronounced: uh-NEM-uh-NEE). The partnership benefits both participants, and the close relationship led to the fish being named an anemonefish. Anemones have tentacles that sting, but the clownfish isn’t bothered by them. In fact, it lives among the tentacles. Living among the tentacles of the anemone, the clown anemonefish gains protection from predators—which don’t dare get near the stinging protector. The anemonefish also gets to eat leftovers from the anemone’s meals. The anemone benefits from having the fish around, too. The useful fish nibbles away parasites that bug the anemone. And sometimes the anemonefish brings food into the tentacles which the anemone can also eat. Generally several anemonefish make one host anemone their home.
three white stripes—and probably reminds you of the star

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