Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Anastasia

Prisoners of Conscience 2019: Political Prisoners from East and Southeast Europe

Every year hundreds of people around the world are wrongfully imprisoned for no other reason than being critical of those in power. In some countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Russia, human rights advocates, opposition leaders, journalists, activists and others have been targets of persecution and crackdowns on critical voices. They have become prisoners of conscience. Download now the full report „Prisoners of Conscience: Political Prisoners from East and Southeast Europe“.   Raising awareness is crucial, as one political prisoner is one too many. 
Mukhtarli (Azerbaijan), Gozel Bayramli (Azerbaijan), Anastasia

Незламні: «Намагаєшся не пропускати це через себе, а допомагати»: Анастасія Діденко про допомогу постраждалим від сексуального насильства

Старша юристка практики кримінального права Юридичної групи LCF Анастасія Діденко із початком війни почала працювати в асоціації жінок-юристок «ЮрФем». Анастасія консультує людей, які постраждали від сексуального насильства російських військових. У інтерв’ю вона розповіла, що українцям та українкам, які стали жертвами сексуального насильства з боку росіян, варто робити у такій ситуації, чому насильство під час війни таке поширене та як працювати із постраждалими.
  © Анастасія Діденко | Anastasia Didenko Також я

Kyiv | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Project Office Ukraine As the liberal German political foundation, we help promote freedom and responsibility in our project countries by means of political education. We support like-minded partners in politics, civil society, media and science in their pursuit of an open society, the rule of law, the enforcement of universal human rights and a rule-based market economy. In addition, we create opportunities for exchange and dialogue with liberal forces across Europe and worldwide. УКРАЇНСЬКА | DEUTSCH
try not to let it get to you, but to help instead”: Anastasia

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL : Women in Journalism in East and Southeast Europe

The main storytellers of our time, journalists, tend to be predominantly female and though they are outspoken, they tend to be discriminated. Find out more in the #FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL analysis for women in journalism in East and Southeast Europe.
situation is “colourful”, as investigative journalist Anastasia