Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Guinea


These stories tell us about some of Canada’s international efforts for development, trade and foreign policy. They introduce the projects and partners that drive change. We meet people from all over the world and learn how our actions can make lives better in families, their communities, and sometimes an entire nation.
Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Niger Oman Pakistan Papua New Guinea

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These stories tell us about some of Canada’s international efforts for development, trade and foreign policy. They introduce the projects and partners that drive change. We meet people from all over the world and learn how our actions can make lives better in families, their communities, and sometimes an entire nation.
Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Niger Oman Pakistan Papua New Guinea

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Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund

The Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund (CHAF) responds to smaller-scale, rapid-onset crises where there are unmet humanitarian needs. The fund enables Humanitarian Coalition members to respond quickly to provide assistance, such as:
refer to: Humanitarian Coalition. 2024-05 Papua New Guinea

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Employment of family members of foreign representatives

It is the goal of the Government of Canada to make every reasonable effort to extend facilities to spouses and children of accredited foreign representatives interested in accessing the local labour market, including those of members of international organizations and other offices established in Canada.
Gabon Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guinea

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police implementation of Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

Through the renewed Canada’s National Action Plan (the Action Plan) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) re-affirms and strengthens its commitment to advance gender equality and the participation, empowerment and protection of women and girls in the pursuit of peace in fragile and conflict-affected situations.
and Assessment (SAAT) training projects in Benin, Guinea

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  • International
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